Tuesday, February 17, 2009

sweet dreams...

so i'm not sure how much weight i give to the whole "dream" thing when it comes to predicting the sex of a baby, however, i am fascinated by it! to date, i've had 4 dreams about my baby. all of them have involved another person telling me that i'm having a girl. quite interesting to say the least.

number of baby boy dreams: 0
number of baby girl dreams: 4

number of baby boy dreams tim has had: 1
number of baby girl dreams tim has had: 0

number of times tim has woken me up in the middle of the night sleep-talking/walking in the past 3 weeks: at least 12

i'd rather be having crazy dreams than quieting my crazy husband....

1 comment:

  1. i thought you had a dream about having a baby boy too... well i'm praying that it's a girl! I don't see why it wouldn't be a girl since both grandma's had girls first, as did mom... hmmmm we can at least pray, right?! =)
    love you sister!
