Wednesday, April 8, 2009


that's right, folks: it's a girl! our ultrasound was one of the most magical days of my life. daddy just sat there in awe of this little life growing inside of me. i am amazed every time i feel her move. we are just so happy. the past 3 weeks have flown by. in fact, the past 20 weeks have flown by! halfway through the pregnancy and i couldn't feel better and more proud of everything that my body and my baby have accomplished.

there's so much to think about when faced with the fact that in just 5 short months we will have a little girl gracing us with her presence. i feel that my parents did a great job raising me and my sister. but the questions have already started popping into my head. when can she wear a 2-piece? when can she get her ears pierced? when can she start wearing make-up? dating? i know that we still have a *little* bit of time til we really have to make some serious decions about this stuff, but it's difficult not to think about the questions. i've also begun to think about the world that this little girl is entering. and while i must admit, its not the same world that i grew up in or that my mom grew up in- there are so many more opportunites for girls and young women these days- this world is not always the friendliest to or the easiest on girls. i just pray that she will grow up feeling confident and strong and beautiful just because she IS. not because of anything she does.

its a lot to think about. but i sure do love this kid. i love her a lot...

1 comment:

  1. i love her too!!! i can't wait to meet my little neice!!! she can't come soon enough! =) so excited for you guys! love ya!
